
ogogog is your usual “we want to contribute to culture” group but we want you to contribute as well. We mean to have an open dial-og with many minds through many means and media.
Love fails to flourish where judgement clogs the mind.
Justice is blind. This means no prejudice. But we are prejudiced.
So what happens when we judge? We become blind to the object of our judgement. We lose our capacity for love.
ogogog is a symbol of renewal. To die to your beliefs is to be alive to your perception. This means discernment overrules judgement.
This means to accept things for what they are, meet them where they are. This is love, or the condition for it.
This is not easy. Discernment is slow and laborious. Judgement is quick and easy. We are conditioned to think quick and easy. Our schools, our jobs are run on timers. We seek to optimise our tasks.
“go go go” says the zeitgeist, perhaps from time to time we ought to ogogog instead.
Life is in no rush. Love abhorres a rush. ogogog is life, ogogog is love. Ogogog is death, for what is life without death? What is love without death? There can be no such thing.
To love truly, one must die to what one is.